Short News Update

Here is where I admit I will likely not finish Monster Girl Quest Chapter 2, much less start on 3. The story is funky and different and interesting, but the gameplay is so padded that playing it classifies as some sort of torture.

But, for the good news: Analogue: A Hate Story is getting a sequel called Hate Plus. I will be honest, with just how good Analogue was, the news of this has me basically prepared to run around waving my hands in the air and shouting gibberish at the thought.

It continues on from your Analogue ending, has revamped gameplay, more writing, more story revealed, new art, new costumes, and a new soundtrack. The best news it is is scheduled for summer of 2013. More on it is at Christine Love’s blog.

Really, the only reaction I have is just to shout at anyone selling this to take my money, Analogue was just that good, and if Hate Plus only manages to be as good as Analogue was, then you are still seeing the most probable victor for Game of The Year 2013.

In fact, I’ll predict this: I will be quite surprised if Hate Plus does not meet or exceed Analogue, and quite surprised if something else turns out better in a way that earns the other game Game of The Year 2013.

Other game designers, you now know who to try and beat.

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